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  1. Teachers and Students.

Match the words for people in education with the correct definition.

1. apprentice

a) female teacher in charge of a school

2. cadet

b)person who trains sportsmen for contests or prepares private students for an exam

3. coach

c) highest grade of university teacher

4. dean

d) the lowest teaching rank at a university

5. disciple

e) person in charge of a division of study

6. headmaster

f) person who teachers you driving

7. instructor

g) the head of some universities and schools

8. lecturer

h)a person studying to become an officer in the army or a policeman

9. trainee

i) someone learning a trade who works in return for being taught

10. principal

j) person undergoing some form of vocational training

11. professor

k) anyone devoted to the acquisition of knowledge, especially attending university

12. pupil

l) attends primary school

13. student

m) follower of a religious teacher

Lesson 36. Preschool and school education

In england and wales


  1. The system

Most children in England and Wales follow this route in the state system (= free education)



Some children go to nursery school.


Everyone starts primary school.


Children go on to a secondary school (AmEng=high school). This may be a comprehensive (= mixed ability) or a grammar school (= children selected for their academic ability)


They leave school and get a job, or go to a college for vocational (=job) training, e.g. hotel management, secretarial courses; or stay at school for two more years.


They leave school and get a job or go to university/college for further education/training


  • In some areas of the UK there are not many grammar schools.

  • There are also public schools. In fact, these are private, and parents pay to send their children there. Some are expensive. About 5% of the population to go to public schools.

  1. School timetable

The pupils have five lessons every day, and altogether they do (=study) eleven subjects a week plus Physical Education (PE). Every morning they have a twenty-minute break. There are three terms (=periods of continuous work) in a school year, and the timetable changes every year.

  1. Vocabulary practice

  1. How much can you remember? Try to answer these questions or complete the sentences:

  1. At what age do children go to nursery school?

  2. At what age do they start primary school?

  3. When they go to secondary school it is either a grammar school or a ……….. .

  4. At what age can English and Welsh children leave school?

  5. According to the timetable the foreign language studied is … .

  6. Not including PE, how many subjects do the children do?

  7. What happens if children fail all the exams they take at the age 16?

  8. What can they do if they pass all their exams at the age of 18?